Showing results 1 to 10 out of 212
MedTech VR Surgery Hackathon
  17 Dec - 10:00 AM
  London, United Kingdom
MedTech and virtual reality hackers! Think you have the creativity and skills to make a difference to modern surgery with an innovative virtual reality (VR) application? Come and participate in the MedTech VR Surgery Hackathon. You'll be teamed with like-minded developers and — given a theme on the day — you will have just over a day to plan, create, test and present your own unique VR application for the given topic.
Hack the Holidays 2
  17 Dec - 10:00 AM
  Peterborough, United Kingdom
High schools and university students from across Europe! Sign up to participate in Hack the Holidays, a 24-hour holiday-themed student hackathon in Peterborough. Come and have fun and a festive hacking experience. Learn about GitHub and put your HTML and CSS skills to the test in a game of MLH !Light.
    PropTech Hackathon
      10 Dec - 10:00 AM
      London, United Kingdom
    The growth of both the Internet of things and PropTech as a whole has opened up huge opportunities for innovation in the Smart home field that are just waiting to be taken advantage of. Whether you have been running a cyborg home from day 1 are are just now gaining interest in the smart home niche, everyone is invited to come compete for a prize pool of over 5000 Euros! Compete with a team in one of 3 categories, ecofriendliness, lifestyle, or value.
    EDS2 Roadshow - Yorkshire and Humber
      09 Dec - 01:00 PM
      Leeds, United Kingdom
    Purpose The purpose of these regional roadshows should be as follows: -       Raise the profile of EDS2 as a vehicle for change -       Identify the connections and links between EDS2 and various other diversity / equality initiatives including (but not limited to) the workforce race equality standard (WRES), the accessible information standard, the DH learning disabilities programme, the workforce disability equality standard and the sexual orientation standards work -       Share good and best practice in the use of EDS2 – including the EDS2 voluntary and community sector engagement guide -       Explore how EDS2 can be employed and utilise by organisations more effectively in order to influence organisational / cultural change Audience The target audience for the roadshows should be: -       Diversity and inclusion managers within provider trusts and CCGs -       Human Resource Directors and managers within provider trusts and CCGs -       Organisational development managers within provider trusts and CCGs -       Service managers and leads within provider trusts and CCGs Format The roadshows will consist of a three hour session. The sessions will be divided into two parts and will take the form of a mini-hackathon. The first part will focus on what the challenges are with EDS2. It will look at the format and structure of EDS2 and critically de-construct it to see what its weaknesses are; what doesn’t work at all; what works a little; and (critically) what needs to change. The second part will focus on the positive aspects of EDS2. It will look at the format and structure of EDS2 and assess its strengths: what works well; why things work well; and what we need to more of. Our proposal is that for the first session we will break the delegates up into four separate groups – one looking at / thinking about the structure of EDS2 as a model / framework; one looking at / thinking about the language of EDS2; one looking at / thinking about how well (or not) EDS2 links across or “talks to” other diversity initiatives in the NHS; and one looking at / thinking about EDS2 as a vehicle of change. Each of the four groups will be led / facilitated by a nominated person that we have invited. We will be inviting guests from the workforce race equality standard, learning disability and equalities and health inequalities teams. The second session will break the delegates into three groups – but set them the following tasks: firstly, how can EDS2 be better promoted / publicised in order to make it more accessible?; secondly, how can EDS2 be better structured / formatted / presented in order to make it more user friendly?; and thirdly, how can EDS2 be used more effectively within organisations as a vehicle of change? Each group will be asked to propose 3 or 4 recommendations to the group that they can vote on using our in-house voting system. A plenary session will capture the thoughts / feedback. AGENDA EDS 2 Roadshow Yorkshire & Humber Regional E&D Meeting 9th December 2016 Venue:  Employers, 2 Brewery Wharf, Kendell Street, Leeds LS10 1JR 13:00 -15:30 13.00: Welcome, introductions and context setting –Chair, Lorraine Cameron 13:10 – 14:00: Session 1 The first session will break the delegates into two groups – to address two key questions: 1.    How can EDS2 be better structured / formatted / presented in order to make it more user friendly?  (Facilitator - Diane) 2.    How can EDS2 be used more effectively within organisations as a vehicle of change? (Facilitator - Caroline) (Each group will be asked to jot comments on sticky notes on the wall under key themes) 14:00 – 14:15: Feedback from the groups 14:15 – 14:30: EDS2 voluntary and community sector engagement guide, Jabeer Butt, Race Foundation 14:30 – 15:00: Session 2  The second session will then ask the two groups to address the following key question:  1.    How can EDS2 be better promoted / publicised in order to make it more accessible? (Diane & Caroline Facilitators) (Each group will be asked to propose 3 or 4 recommendations & place them on sticky notes on the wall) 15:00 – 15:30: Feedback from the Groups & Voting on the Recommendations, Lorraine Cameron 1530 – Summary, Next Steps and Close - Lorraine Cameron    
      env.infohackit evening presentations @Plymouth
        06 Dec - 08:00 PM
        Plymouth, United Kingdom
      Interested in seeing real scientific ideas presented in new innovative ways? Want to see science teamwork at its best? Come to the env.infohackit evening presentations @Plymouth. You'll see the project presentations made by teams of PhD environmental scientists, designers, developers and other creative types. They will present the results of their hackathon participation where they will compete to create the most exciting, informative and compelling infographics to communicate their research topics.
      EDS2 Roadshow - North West
        06 Dec - 12:45 PM
        Liverpool, United Kingdom
      Purpose The purpose of these regional roadshows should be as follows: -       Raise the profile of EDS2 as a vehicle for change -       Identify the connections and links between EDS2 and various other diversity / equality initiatives including (but not limited to) the workforce race equality standard (WRES), the accessible information standard, the DH learning disabilities programme, the workforce disability equality standard and the sexual orientation standards work -       Share good and best practice in the use of EDS2 – including the EDS2 voluntary and community sector engagement guide -       Explore how EDS2 can be employed and utilise by organisations more effectively in order to influence organisational / cultural change Audience The target audience for the roadshows should be: -       Diversity and inclusion managers within provider trusts and CCGs -       Human Resource Directors and managers within provider trusts and CCGs -       Organisational development managers within provider trusts and CCGs -       Service managers and leads within provider trusts and CCGs Format The roadshows will consist of a three hour session. The sessions will be divided into two parts and will take the form of a mini-hackathon. The first part will focus on what the challenges are with EDS2. It will look at the format and structure of EDS2 and critically de-construct it to see what its weaknesses are; what doesn’t work at all; what works a little; and (critically) what needs to change. The second part will focus on the positive aspects of EDS2. It will look at the format and structure of EDS2 and assess its strengths: what works well; why things work well; and what we need to more of. Our proposal is that for the first session we will break the delegates up into four separate groups – one looking at / thinking about the structure of EDS2 as a model / framework; one looking at / thinking about the language of EDS2; one looking at / thinking about how well (or not) EDS2 links across or “talks to” other diversity initiatives in the NHS; and one looking at / thinking about EDS2 as a vehicle of change. Each of the four groups will be led / facilitated by a nominated person that we have invited. We will be inviting guests from the workforce race equality standard, learning disability and equalities and health inequalities teams. The second session will break the delegates into three groups – but set them the following tasks: firstly, how can EDS2 be better promoted / publicised in order to make it more accessible?; secondly, how can EDS2 be better structured / formatted / presented in order to make it more user friendly?; and thirdly, how can EDS2 be used more effectively within organisations as a vehicle of change? Each group will be asked to propose 3 or 4 recommendations to the group that they can vote on using our in-house voting system. A plenary session will capture the thoughts / feedback. AGENDA EDS 2 Roadshow North West Regional E&D Meeting 6th December 2016 Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust Eaton Road, West Derby, Liverpool L12 2AP (Use L14 5AB on sat-navs for East Prescot Road car park) 12:45 -15:00 12.45: Welcome, introductions and context setting – Joe O’Grady 13:00 – 13:45: Session 1 - Group Discussions – Delegates are split into 4 group Group 1- The Structure of EDS2 as a model –  Facilitator Andrea Smith Group2 - The Language of EDS2 –  Facilitator Tammy Pike Group 3 - How well (or not) EDS2 links across or “talks to” other diversity initiatives in the NHS - Facilitator – Joe O’Grady Group 4 - EDS2 as a vehicle of change - Facilitator – Meryl Cuzak  13:45 – 14:00: Feedback from the tables – Lead - Joe O’Grady 14:00 – 14:15: EDS2 voluntary and community sector engagement guide, Samir Jeraj, Race Foundation 14:15 – 15:00: Session 2 – Group Discussions – Delegates split into 3 groups The second session will break the delegates into three groups – to address one key question Group 1: How can EDS2 be better promoted / publicised in order to make it more accessible? Facilitator Andrea Smith Group 2: How can EDS2 be better structured / formatted / presented in order to make it more user friendly? Facilitator Tammy Pike   Group 3: How can EDS2 be used more effectively within organisations as a vehicle of change? Facilitator – Meryl Cuzak Each group will be asked to propose 3 or 4 recommendations to the group that they can vote on using our in-house voting system. 15:00 – 15:15: Feedback from the Groups & Voting on the recommendations - Lead - Joe O’Grady 15:15 -  15:30: Summary, Next Steps and Close - Joe O’Grady
        What matters to you Hackathon - patient, carers, staff improving care together
          05 Dec - 09:15 AM
          Brighton, United Kingdom
        Interested in healthcare in Sussex? You're a patient, a carer, a member of staff, a healthcare professional, charity worker or volunteer. The Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust invites you to come and make a difference by contributing your creativity and skills at the "What Matters to You Hackathon". You'll be presented with up to 10 challenge areas and you'll collaborate to develop solutions that can be trialled and evaluated.
        Accessible Tech in Employment Conference & Hackathon
          03 Dec - 10:00 AM
          London, United Kingdom
        Are you passionate about assistive technologies? Are you full of ideas for tools that will enhance the quality of life and employment for disabled people? Maybe your idea will prove to be the next big disruptive tool for the disabled! Sign up for the Accessible Tech Hackathon today! Collaborate to solve real challenges encountered in different fields, such as employment, health, housing, and many more.
        Accessible Tech in Employment Hackathon #ATEHack 2016
          03 Dec - 10:00 AM
          London, United Kingdom
        Students and recent graduates! Are you passionate about accessible design, assistive technologies, and IoT? Come and participate in the Accessible Tech Hackathon. The focus is on Internet of Things, mobile, Web, UX/UI/AI, service design or desktop solutions, or something in between, and hardware. You'll choose one of four challenges faced by London-based social entrepreneurs and then create the best possible and novel solutions to the problem.
        ARM Hackathon
          03 Dec - 09:00 AM
          Southampton, United Kingdom
        Engineering and computer science students in and around Southampton! Think you can create an Internet of things (IoT) device in less than a day? OK then! Sign up for the ARM Hackathon. You'll be provided with ARM mbed microcontrollers, sensors, and OS eco-system and challenged to build a working ARM powered device that addresses an IOT “Internet of things” market opportunity. Do you have ideas for an awesome, innovative IoT solution? Come and strut your stuff at the ARM Hackathon.